
10 Hours of Math Tutoring, Grade 6-12 — Guaranteed to Raise Your Grade or Half Your Money Back


CompareSold By: WaterMelonMarkets
SKU: TUTORING-10Hs Category:


Get 10 hours of math tutoring from a world-renowned tutor and founder of a high school educational company.

Your tutor:

  • Has helped thousands of students improve their SAT scores.
  • Received a PhD from Harvard.
  • Graduated summa cum laude in a math major.
  • Personally has hundreds of hours of tutoring experience.

Pay $600 in USDC for 10 hours of tutoring, and receive half your money back ($300 back) if you don’t improve your grade in school.  To qualify:

  • If your current grade is B to A-, we guarantee 1-step change (e.g. B to B+, or A- to A).
  • If your current grade is C to B-, we guarantee 2-step changes (C to B-, or B- to B+).
  • If your current grade is C- or below, we guarantee 3-step changes.

This is a great deal by itself, but knowing that your tutor is financially motivated to help you will improve your results even more!


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